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Position Vertical menu

Poster: dane001
Dated: Saturday August 16 2008 - 22:10:21 BST

Hi all
in the process of creating a new site i positioned the vertical menu on the left side of the page. for some reason when i resize the page page the menu moves on the page. How can i maintain the menu so it will stay on the page at the same position i started with. see attachment.
I'm using



Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday August 17 2008 - 19:28:50 BST


I can't 'see' anything :) Do you you have a link to a test page to see what's going on? We really need a full page with your menu and stuff so we can test as to how to place it to keep it where you want it.


Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: dane001
Dated: Sunday August 17 2008 - 22:40:21 BST

Thank you for taking the time to help with this matter, I uploaded the site to the web, . Also cannot find a way to change the Milonic home link button to read “Home” as well as the link noted at the Milonic in the Practice Area button.
Thank you for your help.

Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday August 18 2008 - 5:24:16 BST


First, where exactly do you want the menu? I'm seeing a left side cell with links in it, i.e. index1, index2 etc., and a right side with a picture of a courthouse, I guess. Do you want that menu in the cell with the links, in place of the links? Let me know how you want it to appear and I'll do it up for you with the explanation of how it is done :)

As to the Milonic in the menu, that will be there to protect the product until you get your own licensed version. Once you have your licensed version that will not appear.


Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: dane001
Dated: Monday August 18 2008 - 14:22:41 BST

Hi Ruth
The menu location is at the position I want it to be it will replace the links index1, index2 and they will be deleted from the cell. So if you can please guide me on how to use the variable it would be great.

Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: John
Dated: Monday August 18 2008 - 15:37:20 BST

Ruth is working on this, and will continue helping you, but I note at least one problem. You are calling your images from the Milonic server (, etc.). This is not allowed. You must download the images you need to your server and call them from there.


Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday August 18 2008 - 19:14:33 BST


In order to get the menu to be where you want it and to stay there it would be best to set it as relative.

1. open the menu_data.js file and cut and paste the main menu into its own file and save it as embedded_main.js then save the menu_data file as subs_data.js. You now have two files, the main and all the subs and styles.

2. open the embedded_main.js file and remove the top left and put in position='relative'; and save it.

3. change the call at the top of the page so that it calls subs_data.js instead of menu_data.js

4. copy and paste the following to the page where the links are now. Note that I started with the TD above the table where the links are and also note that I added padding-left:13px which is necessary to keep that table in the correct place and the court image in the correct place.

<TD style="PADDING-TOP: 31px;padding-left:13px">
                              <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width='130px'>
                                <TD><SCRIPT src="embedded_main_menu.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD>
                            <TD><IMG height=1 alt=""
                      <TD class=head_bg width="100%"><IMG height=221

That should take care of it and once you license the menu the Milonic link will be removed.


Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: dane001
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2008 - 0:38:02 BST

Just want to confirm all steps.
Open menu_data.js cut and paste Main Menu into a new file and save it as embedded_main.js.
Replace the top and left with relative.
The new file embedded_main.js should look like this

with(Milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
aI("text=Practice Area;showmenu=Practice;");
aI("text=The Firm;showmenu=Partners;");
aI("text=Contact Us;url=;");

Change the call from menu_data.js to subs_data.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="menu_data.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="subs_data.js"></script>

I copied and pasted step 4 as directed but it messed up the page, I couldn’t make it work.
I also tried to insert just the script line by itself which I thought would work but it didn’t.
What did I do wrong?
<SCRIPT src="embedded_main_menu.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>

I created a test file

Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2008 - 0:58:08 BST

That link doesn't work, says no page found

Can you give me the real link?


Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: dane001
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2008 - 1:59:07 BST


Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2008 - 3:22:25 BST


OK, 1st, I forgot to tell you to put a drawMenus(); at the end of that embedded_main.js file. Both the subs_data and the embedded_main have to have a drawMenus(); at the end of them. Sorry.

Now, as to the rest. You didn't get what I gave pasted in the right place. So,

1. look for this line on your main page
<TD class=m_bg>
There's only one line with that class=m_bg in it.

2. Right below that is the coding for a table.

3. Look in that table and down at the second td you'll see it coded as
<td style=" padding-top:31px;">

4. In that td cell is another table, that's the table where you had your links and it has the index5 link in it at the bottom. This is what it looks like now

<td style=" padding-top:31px;">
   <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="8" border="0">
   <tr><td><a href="index-5.html"><img src="images/m_7_01.jpg" alt=""></a></td>

Those lines posted above are where you paste over with the lines I gave you. So that <td style="padding-top:31px> is the one that becomes <td style="padding-top:31px;padding-left:13px">.

YOu are replacing the posted table code above with

<td style="padding-top: 31px;padding-left:13px">
                              <table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width='130px'>
                                <td><script src="embedded_main_menu.js" type=text/javascript></script></td></tr></tbody></table>   

Sorry about the drawMenus(); getting forgetful in my older age :lol:


Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: dane001
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2008 - 14:45:23 BST

Thank you so much for your help. Now I can move forward and finish the project.
Thanks again

Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: dane001
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2008 - 16:43:41 BST

I purchased the Milonic menu and as instructed I replaced milonic_src.js and mmenudom.js at the root. For some reason the activation did not go through.
What did I do wrong?

Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: dane001
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2008 - 17:24:59 BST

it's working

Re: Position Vertical menu

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday August 19 2008 - 17:28:54 BST


You have to be logged in at the main site, under whatever the login name was you used when you purchased it, and then you have to download a new version of it, the download will make your licensed version.

Once you do that, unzip it, but NOT in the same place you have the existing files since that would overwrite your menu_data file. Once unzipped, just upload the new milonic_src.js, mmenudom [and mmenuns4 if you use it]

Also, go to both of the bottom forums/posts and subscribe. These will give you an email notification when they get posted to say there is a new version or bug fix that was done so you can get the newest versions.


