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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:16

Problem centering menu using 3.3.19

Poster: Hurricane
Dated: Friday August 29 2003 - 16:16:37 BST

Before I ask my question, I have tried version 5 and it seems to load slower than my version, so I don't want to upgrade as a solution.
Take a look at This is a developmental site and is not in production just yet.
I want the top menu centered, but I cannot do it. I have tried tweaking every possible setting and the only change I ever get is that the menu disappears. You can find my menu_array.js file on the site under the dev directory if you need to look.
Can you help me set the proper settings?
Thank you,

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday August 29 2003 - 20:37:28 BST

Do you mean you want the horizontal menu that is on the page centered and at the top of the page? If so, it is centered...if you consider the image you have to the left, which is 112 pixels wide. If you center it, it will go over the image. However, try this page...I fixed the image so it is a bit 'taller' so the menu won't go over it. If it's what you want, then find the downloaded image and the menu_array1.js file which is the same as yours but with the changes to make it center.

If you just want to fix yours, then eliminate the 'left position' you have for the menu, and in the line for the 'screen position' put in "center" but again, that will put the menu over the image. Good Luck.


PS, you should post for version 3 under that section.

What did you change?

Poster: Hurricane
Dated: Friday August 29 2003 - 22:11:52 BST

Thanks for the help. I didn't have the word center in quotes.. that was the problem. Thanks.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 30 2003 - 1:40:57 BST

You're welcome. Just a suggestion, but you should put in the size in the image, makes things load better. <.img src="whatever.gif" width="112" height="58" border="0"> The border =0 is important since some browsers will put a border if it doesn't expressly say it's 0 size.


Re: Problem centering menu using 3.3.19

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday September 3 2003 - 16:31:53 BST

Hurricane wrote:
Before I ask my question, I have tried version 5 and it seems to load slower than my version, so I don't want to upgrade as a solution.

What, specifically, are you finding slower? v5 is way ahead of v3 speed-wise (and in everything else as well). What is your browser, OS, etc.? Also note that RC9 is now available. What version were you using?