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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:19

Scroll Bar Problem with NS7.1 & MacOS X

Poster: steve __at__
Dated: Monday August 18 2003 - 0:28:40 BST

Using MacOS X 10.2.6 and Netscape 7.1, try going to <>. Once there, mouse over "Menu Samples". This will give you a long menu and, depending on your screen size, a vertical scroll bar. Now, move your mouse away - the menu disappears but the scroll bar stays on screen. You can even still manipulate the scroll bar - it just is not attached to anything.

Best Regards


Poster: steve __at__
Dated: Monday August 18 2003 - 0:33:47 BST

Ooops. Forgot to mention - this is with Version 5.0 Release Candidate 6.0 17th August 2003.