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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:29

Text in status bar

Poster: guyeda
Dated: Thursday June 5 2003 - 14:03:34 BST

How would I add text to be read in the status bar when the mouse hovers over a link?

Poster: John
Dated: Sunday June 8 2003 - 7:55:20 BST

status=This is my status message;

Is there a list

Poster: gardenguy
Dated: Saturday July 12 2003 - 21:58:55 BST

Are there more arguments like
listed somewhere???

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Monday July 14 2003 - 3:04:40 BST

Some stuff here....not all I'm sure.

Re: Is there a list

Poster: John
Dated: Monday July 14 2003 - 16:57:57 BST

gardenguy wrote:
Are there more arguments like
listed somewhere???

Yes to all the above except 'listed somewhere'.

At the risk of getting yelled at by the boss, here's a tentative (umm - note the emphasis!) list of items that might or might not appear...

Style Properties:
1 onbgcolor
2 oncolor
3 offbgcolor
4 offcolor
5 bordercolor
6 separatorcolor
7 padding
8 fontsize
9 fontstyle
10 fontweight
11 fontfamily
12 high3dcolor
13 low3dcolor
14 pagecolor
15 pagebgcolor
16 headercolor
17 headerbgcolor
18 subimage
19 subimageposition
20 subimagepadding
21 separatorsize
22 stylenum=_styleNum;
23 borderstyle
24 borderwidth
25 ondecoration
26 decoration
27 onbold
28 onitalic
29 separatorheight
30 separatorwidth
31 separatorpadding
32 separatoralign
33 onborder
34 image
35 align
35 onclass
36 offclass

Menu Properties:
1 name
2 top
3 left
4 itemwidth
5 itemheight
6 borderwidth
7 screenposition
8 style
9 alwaysvisible
10 align
11 filter
12 hidediv
13 orientation
14 keepalive
15 overallwidth
16 openonclick
17 bgimage
18 scrollable
19 margin
20 overflow
21 position
22 openstyle
23 overfilter
24 outfilter
25 followscroll

Menu Item Properties
1 - text
2 - url
3 - showmenu
4 - status
5 - onbgcolor
6 - oncolor
7 - offbgcolor
8 - offcolor
9 - reserved for itemOn logic
10 - separatorcolor
11 - padding
12 - fontsize
13 - fontstyle
14 - fontweight
15 - fontfamily
16 - high3dcolor
17 - low3dcolor
18 - pagecolor
19 - pagebgcolor
20 - headercolor
21 - headerbgcolor
22 - subimagepadding
23 - subimageposition
24 - subimage
25 - onborder
26 - ondecoration
27 - separatorsize
28 - itemheight
29 - image
30 - imageposition
31 - imagealign
32 - overimage
33 - decoration
34 - type
35 - target
36 - align
37 - imageheight
38 - imagewidth
39 - openonclick
40 - closeonclick
41 - keepalive
42 - onfunction
43 - offfunction
44 - onbold
45 - onitalic
46 - bgimage
47 - overbgimage
48 - onsubimage
49 - separatorheight
50 - separatorwidth
51 - separatorpadding
52 - separatoralign
53 - onclass
54 - offclass
55 - itemwidth

Don't ask me about them ('cause I don't know), and don't ask Andy (he's busy with the RC, docs, and website). Just drool a bit and wait for the docs-to-come. Or - try 'em and see what happens, but I don't think a bug report would be approproate until they are official. Sound fair?