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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:31

Problem with OPERA and the menu "Bound to a Table Cell&

Poster: idem
Dated: Thursday May 15 2003 - 9:37:20 BST

The "Bound to a Table Cell" Menu works perfectly on IE and Netscape (Mac and PC) but I've got a problem with OPERA. The menu is visible but always about two cells higher than the place it should be... Thank you for your help!

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday May 15 2003 - 15:50:38 BST

Have a URL we can look at (it's always best to provide one)?

Opera is 'troublesome', to be polite. Andy has done wonders with workarounds, but there are still a few stragglers out there.

Problem with OPERA and the menu "Bound to a Table Cell&

Poster: idem
Dated: Thursday May 15 2003 - 15:57:09 BST

Thank you for your prompt answer. Here is the url : ... efault.asp
The website is still under construction.

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday May 15 2003 - 16:20:12 BST

With O7.11 and IE6 side by side on your page I see your problem (but it does take some close looking!). The black menu bar appears to be at exactly the same position in both, but the menu text is a few px lower in Opera than in IE (plus the darker and wider border in IE). Since the IE text appears to be dead center and Opera is 'low' I would have to say the problem is with Opera, and I really don't have an answer for you.

One slightly left-field approach would be to give v4 of the menu a try. It's still in beta, but is very stable. Andy has made some additional fixes to a lot of items, including Opera. I'm not saying this fix is in there, because I don't know. However, v4 is where you're going to want to be anyway, and it's really nice. No docs yet - just download from, dig into his examples, and go from there.

Comments and bug reports always appreciated.

Poster: idem
Dated: Thursday May 15 2003 - 17:00:25 BST

Thanks a lot for your help. It seems we don't see the same "distance" between the black line and the Milonic Menu on OPERA (about 100 vertical pixels on my screen... ). Maybe I would have to change options on my OPERA (same version as you however) :? . Anyway I'll have a very interested look on the new Menu! Thank you again.

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Thursday May 15 2003 - 17:08:17 BST

Wow... in Opera 6.05/Win2k, the menu doesn't even come close to where it should be; it appears well above the table cell. I'm guessing this has something to do with the PlaceMenu() function not liking where it is. For example, I've never seen anyone try to put the menu in a <td> that spans multiple columns (not to say it can't be done... just never seen it). I have found Opera to be very problematic when it comes to exact menu placement, and I know others have experienced problems with Opera when trying to bind the menu to a table cell.

One other problem I've noticed (in IE also)... Your content is centered vertically as well as horizontally, but the table containing the menu doesn't track... if you resize the window vertically, the menu comes out of the background area you've designated for it. I would think that you could (try to) solve these problems by using the menu's native positioning capabilities instead of placing the menu in a table cell.

Try this: Remove the call to PlaceMenu(). Set the menu array's elements as follows: Screen Position (6th array element) = "center:middle". Menu Top (2nd element) = "offset=-200". Adjust this vcalue to move it into the area where you want it. Menu Left (3rd element) = "offset=-100". Again, adjust this value to position the menu where you want it. With this approach, the menu's position should always be relative to the center of the window, and should adjust properly when the window is resized.

Hope that helps,


Poster: idem
Dated: Friday May 16 2003 - 8:51:59 BST

Thank you for you help... which helped :D