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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:55

menu unusable in IE5.01sp2?

Poster: Jason
Dated: Friday November 21 2003 - 0:07:13 GMT

This menu implementation is working perfectly in Moz, NN, FB, Opera, IE 5.5, 6... but IE5.01sp2.... I'm sitting here with IE5, 5.5 and 6.0 running the menu side by side and the menu works fine in 5.5 & 6 but it's currently flat unusable in 5

The working example is here

mouseover PRODUCTS reveals it's submenu, then move to SERVICES and get nothing, then to PARTNERS, sub drops, then onto ABOUT and it doesn't... Or you can start on SERVICES and move right and it alternates the same way etc etc. The cursor doesn't change to a hand over the "dead" ones either.

If you mouseover PRODUCTS to reveal it's submenu, then hop right into SERVICES it will drop it's sub but the sub for PRODUCTS reamins out. Sometimes. It's hard to describe what this menu is doing as it's just so erratic. Unusable is the only description that covers it.

I get the following js error after mousing over the menu:

Line: 17
Char: 4901
Error: 'undefined' is undefined

The error pops as soon as you mouseout of the first menu that you mouseover.

This error apparently has no effect on any other browser I test with (in fact none of them report the error) but I suspect, I hope, that it's the cuplrit here!

Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday November 21 2003 - 1:39:15 GMT

I use mac ie5.1.7 with OS 8.6 and all updates, you really can't go any lower and have javascript work properly.

If thats what you are referring to then you really should update.


Poster: bsatyaprasad
Dated: Friday November 21 2003 - 1:56:19 GMT

I am sorry to say, but you can not convince younr client to upgrade their browser. I am too facing the same problem as mentioned above and striving hard to get some workable solution.

Poster: Jason
Dated: Friday November 21 2003 - 2:50:10 GMT

I looked at October's browser stats for this site and if you take the top 35 configs (OS/browser) and get rid of all the known bots, Win/IE5 accounted for 38% of the traffic.

It's critical that it work in that browser. I saw nowhere in the documentation or forums etc that said it wasn't supported, in fact the support list says:

* Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0+ on all Microsoft Windows Systems

from this thread

So I'm hoping it's just a minor thing that I've done to make it misbehave... but I'm assuming from the js error's char number that it's in the squashed-up code part, menu.js and I'm under orders not to touch that, nd you know I haven't! ;)

Poster: John
Dated: Friday November 21 2003 - 7:00:46 GMT

First things first...

1. You are running RC15, we are currently at RC26. That's actually more than 9 steps, since many of the RCs contained more than one release under the same number. Update!

2. A quick glance at your code seems to indicate a trip through the converter. These may or may not be a problem, but, as an example, you have...

This, and all aI items, should be...

Note the correction of the double ;;, and the ;"); sequence at the end of the line.

Your biggest problem is #1.

Let us know how it goes.

Poster: fredlongworthhighschool
Dated: Friday November 21 2003 - 9:21:52 GMT

bsatyaprasad wrote:
I am sorry to say, but you can not convince younr client to upgrade their browser. I am too facing the same problem as mentioned above and striving hard to get some workable solution.

Surely considering all the security flaws with older versions of IE (in Windows particularly), maybe it is in everyones interests NOT to make the menu compatable?

Poster: John
Dated: Friday November 21 2003 - 16:27:52 GMT

fredlongworthhighschool wrote:
Surely considering all the security flaws with older versions of IE (in Windows particularly), maybe it is in everyones interests NOT to make the menu compatable?

Excellent point, Andy. Of course, the current versions are full of holes as well, but at least they're patching those.

Poster: Jason
Dated: Wednesday November 26 2003 - 17:14:44 GMT

thanks for the help jgillet, twas happy to have received a few plausible responses/easy fixes but alas, neither worked :|

swapped out the files for the latest code, didn't work, minded my semi colons, didn't work. Same errors as before but the new code jacked the image sizes in the top level badly (will reconfigs never end? =).

the same problem persists, IE5 only, onmouseout, line 17, char 4901.

this client's actually getting their content in order now and expecting the site up soon after a long layoff, things could get desperate soon, I'd sincerely appreciate a solution.

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday November 27 2003 - 8:17:42 GMT

Just looked at your site and I still see RC15 (current is RC28), and the ; fixes I mentioned earlier not implemented. You really need to stay current to get help, as support on outdated versions just isn't possible. Far too many bug fixes, changes, additions, etc., in the interim.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday November 27 2003 - 10:56:00 GMT

The problem is with your data file. offfunction=undefined;

I see that you have renamed all of the menu files. Any reason for this?

I'm not sure if the license states that renaming milonic_src.js isn't permitted, if it doesn't I think it probably should.

-- Andy


Poster: Jason
Dated: Monday December 1 2003 - 20:01:20 GMT

jgillet: I didn't bother uploading the new menu bits to the server as it wasn't helping locally. Andy's spot on though, fixed it good, took out the imagewidth bits and that fixed the previously mentioned image scale problem, all new files are up now with emi colons in place and all.

It's working in all target browsers now so I ain't touchin it! (there is a small bug in Opera7 with the top level image rollovers not preloading or something, the mouseover finally come in onmouseout then work normally after that, minor if nothing at all for me)

:D Thanks Andy :D that was indeed the culprit.

EDIT: ! __at__ #$ spoke too soon, I didn't check in IE 5.5 and now it's screwed up in that browser, and that browser only.

Now in IE5.5 the menu does not even appear onload and the js error message:
Line: 17 Char: 1799 - Library not registered

in menudom it has to do with IE5.5 filter stuff and menu_src with drawMenus. I was hoping for a clue there but either would seem to apply to the problem to me, a javascript halfwit, and neither points me in any direction I can follow myself.

As far as the name changing bit goes, the particular reason would probably have to go down to some kinda of neatness or organizational idea of mine at the time (I like file names simple and descriptive to me the builder). I'm unaware of anything in the license agreement that states renaming against the agreement but would be happy to comply if it's in there. Frankly I don't read many license agreements, always code comments tho ;) Of course I desire to comply fully with agreements but if I read them all every day I'd get absolutely nothing done, and I don't quite have a legal department to run it by just yet. =)

Put it in the license agreement and next time the issue comes up you can tell me/whomever authoritatively instead of wondering out loud about whether or not it's in there ;) Not trying to be an ass here at all, offering sound business advice/opinion, lot more where that came from too but this isn't the thread for it. If you're interested shoot me an email and I'll take that as desire to improve the business end of your efforts here by listening to objective review of your services.

Thanks for your help again guys, I appreciate it.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday December 4 2003 - 8:23:33 GMT


From looking at I can see that you are having trouble with IE5.5 and Library not registered.

This problem is only affecting your machine. I can see the site fine as can everybody else.

What has happened is your IE5.5 DLL's have either become corrupt or are un-registered. A re-install of the browser will normally fix the problem. We cannot capture this error as the libraries are telling the menu that it is OK to use them, when we do, they complain that we can't use them because they are not registered in the registry, typical MS stuff.

It isn't the menu at fault but I've never been able to see it for myself to be able to create something that will suppress the error. Every system I setup seems to be OK. Something you installed could have broke the DLL's but again, I've never been able to figure out exactly what is wrong with them.

Andy Woolley
Milonic Solutions Ltd

Poster: Jason
Dated: Thursday December 4 2003 - 14:58:21 GMT

ahoy! yer a genius baby =D

I have 3 IEs running on the same machine, technically only IE6 is *installed* but 5.01sp2 and 5.5sp2 have the exe's and some dll's laying around so they are useable for testing. I betcha this is the first "bug" I've found when doing this, actually, Andy found it. Thanks man.

So this is it?! Really?! I'm done?! :D w00h00