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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:30

URL on top menu items

Poster: AnnA[FN]
Dated: Friday April 30 2004 - 8:51:58 BST

Followed instructions, but cant get links on top menu items.

I use only images + top menu items are on seperate file, not in menu_data.js. Included into table.

Any ideas what im doing wrong?

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="menu_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript>
with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
aI("url=;showmenu=aa Samples;image=./img/top_regular_03.gif;overimage=./img/top_over_03.gif;");
aI("url=;showmenu=aa Samples;image=./img/top_regular_04.gif;overimage=./img/top_over_04.gif;url=;");
aI("showmenu=aa Samples;image=./img/top_regular_05.gif;overimage=./img/top_over_05.gif;");
aI("showmenu=aa Samples;image=./img/top_regular_06.gif;overimage=./img/top_over_06.gif;");
aI("showmenu=aa Samples;image=./img/top_regular_07.gif;overimage=./img/top_over_07.gif;");
aI("showmenu=aa Samples;image=./img/top_regular_08.gif;overimage=./img/top_over_08.gif;");

Poster: AnnA[FN]
Dated: Friday April 30 2004 - 11:46:08 BST

OK. Found another solution, even cant't find why on top menu weren't links. Made based on popup() function.

But if anbody have any ideas, plz share.

Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday April 30 2004 - 14:49:14 BST

To start with remove all the dots from your paths.

start with a slash /
