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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:00

Fontsize problem with ASPX pages

Poster: pposiris
Dated: Saturday December 25 2004 - 23:04:16 GMT


I have switched from ASP to ASP.Net. The Menu I use was perfectly displayed in ASP, but with the same code in ASP.Net the "Fontsize" command seems not working with the items in the Main horizontal Menu... and all items are displayed with a rather "big" fontsize.

I have no problem with the sub-menu items.

I use IE or AvantBrowser, and the very last Milonic menu version.

Any help will be appreciated...

Thanks in advance :?

Poster: John
Dated: Sunday December 26 2004 - 3:06:51 GMT

Got a URL...?

Poster: pposiris
Dated: Sunday December 26 2004 - 13:29:34 GMT


You can see the normal menu display with ASP at:

And the strange ASP.Net effect at:

The menu files are exactly the same ones in both cases


Poster: John
Dated: Sunday December 26 2004 - 21:40:42 GMT

PP -

First things first. You're using a beta version of the script (RC50), which is ~70 or more versions down-level. Current is v5.65, which you'll need to pick up and install at We can only support the most current version.

Make sure you read the files that come in the download, as some of the installation procedures and aI syntax have changed slightly.

Let us know how that goes.

Poster: pposiris
Dated: Monday December 27 2004 - 18:23:07 GMT


I installed the LAST Milonic files on a test server an run my ASPX file... with exactly the same problem...

But I found a workaround. :)

If I set Fontsize=11; or Fontsize="11"; I have the "Big font" problem (display OK in ASP, and very big in ASPX)

But if I set Fontsize="70%"; everything is fine. I have the same good display in ASP and ASPX.

So,...I can work with it, but it would be interresting to understand the source of this behaviour.

Thanks anyway

Poster: John
Dated: Monday December 27 2004 - 21:09:56 GMT

PP -

Where did you get menuweight=?

Even though it's the default, you might want to try specifying px, as fontsize="11px"; .
aI("text=Home page;showmenu=homepage;;oncolor=cc0000;onbgcolor=cccccc;offcolor=cc0000;offbgcolor=cccccc;;separatorsize=1")

Missing the #, and the statement close is incorrect...
aI("text=Home page;showmenu=homepage;oncolor=#cc0000;onbgcolor=#cccccc;offcolor=#cc0000;offbgcolor=#cccccc;separatorsize=1";);

Close will always be ";); . Also, the ;; can be changed to ; .

Poster: pposiris
Dated: Monday December 27 2004 - 21:36:57 GMT


It works also with

It seems the default as pixel is not recognized on my system if I omit "px".

Thanks... and thanks also for make me pay attention to the missing "#" in the color code... you helped me to manage another problem I even was not aware of.


Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday December 28 2004 - 3:23:50 GMT

You're welome.

Glad it's working.