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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22

Javascript Disabled Causes Error

Poster: jblangworthy
Dated: Tuesday June 22 2004 - 21:59:32 BST

Hi All

[i]I posted this similar post yesterday but I think the ActiveX subject scared many prospective readers away.[/i]

I am having problems with V5 of the menus. Work fine on a standard setup but when I browse using IE6 with AcitveX disabled in the security settings the menus are replaced by a text area.

However, if I use FireFox with Javascript disabled the menues simply don't appear (as they shouldn't).

An example of this is

Any ideas why the IE ActiveX security settings would be affecting the menus' in this way?


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 5:01:49 BST

This is kind of [i.e. way way] out of my line. But, just for information, do you want the menu to not appear, as you mentioned disabling javascript and not having it appear in Firefox? What exactly are you trying to do?


Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Monday June 28 2004 - 21:38:13 BST

Hi Jeremy,

I'm catching up... Still having the problem?

I think you can probably attribute it to the "filter" effects that one can apply (defined in the menu's overfilter and outfilter properties). I see you've been messing with them on your site. These effects only work in IE5.5+, and are produced through DirectX (This would explain why you don't see it in any other browser). Disabling ActiveX will, I believe, prevent the effect, but since js is still enabled the browser is still tryingf to render the effect... leads to odd behavior.

This is mostly a guess on my part (haven't yet tried to reproduce it). You could test the theiry by temporarily commenting out your overfilter and outfilter(s), then disabling ActiveX as you had before, and see if the odd effect no longer occurs.



Poster: jblangworthy
Dated: Monday June 28 2004 - 21:52:48 BST

Thanks for your replies,

Tried what you said Kevin, commenting out the filters but it didn't help.
I upgraded to the latest version of the menus and issue was resolved.

