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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:36

Tooltips sometimes don't appear

Poster: muadd
Dated: Monday August 8 2005 - 12:23:30 BST

Hi, I've noticed a small issue with tooltips - when a tooltip is displayed and you move your mouse rapidly from one link to another, the next tooltip will not appear. Have a look at the following simple example (I checked with the latest 5.728 version).

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="milonic_src.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="menu_style.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="mmenudom.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="tooltips.js"></SCRIPT>
<a href="#" onmouseover="showtip('tooltip1');" onmouseout="popdown();">Tooltip 1</a><br><br>
<a href="#" onmouseover="showtip('tooltip2');" onmouseout="popdown();">Tooltip 2</a><br><br>
<a href="#" onmouseover="showtip('tooltip3');" onmouseout="popdown();">Tooltip 3</a><br><br>

The reason for this - it seems to me - is that the first tooltip is not disappearing immediately when onmouseout event fires.
when I add a line


tooltips are ok but it is a global setting and interferes with the menus - I don't want them to dissapear so quickly.
How could I resolve this problem?


Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday August 15 2005 - 15:25:27 BST


I've changed the code slightly to fix this problem.

This can be found in the Pre Release version of the menu, at

The version you need is 5.729PR.

This version will be released very soon.

Hope this helps,