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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:39

center menu within table.

Poster: hojin
Dated: Wednesday July 6 2005 - 1:36:55 BST

I am testing your menu(ver. 3). The menu does not position correctly with the table when the windows is resized.

Question 1:
If I upgrade to ver. 5, will this version fix this issue?(ie. menu must position correctly when windows is resize).

Question 2:
How involved is the modifications to the .js file in order to make this work
Can I get someone from support to modify the .js file to make this work or can you point me to instructions to make the menu work properly?


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday July 6 2005 - 3:37:18 BST


Version 3 is no longer supported or developed. It has not been in development for a couple of years now.

You can convert your files easily using the online version 3 to version 5 converter. If you are not sure, I'd suggest you download Version 5, convert it and test it.

As to centering in the table, you have it set to absolute position top and left, so that's where it's going.

Also, if you are actually going to put the menu in a table, you are going to have a problem with the MS filter shadow. If the menu is actually in the table, the shadow which is 'part' of the menu when you set the filter, will cause the cell in which the menu resides to become as big as the menu [including the shadow]. If you want it to look like it does now, then I would suggest that with Version 5, you set the top position to where you have it and then set screenposition="center" which is what you have the div set to be. That will make the menu reside in the center of the screen, 130px from the top.
