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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:50

mac hiccups at menu - mac users needed

Poster: chrisinoz
Dated: Saturday March 12 2005 - 7:22:26 GMT


Just bought my first three menus - very happy.

Latest version. Licencesed.

Passed this by support but since this is a weekend thought there maybe somehere out there who could advise.

One client though who has a Mac says that it throws out about 6 pixels and slide outs don't work. So if you have a mac you maybe able to help here.

For this menu I have on first level menu


Did this as the image and overimage are 180pixels wide and there is no room for the arrow and it does not fit the design I have done.

However her Mac reads an image there anyway and it puts the menu out the width of the menu.

1. Mac users - can you see the RHS arrows (should not be there)

2. Do slide outs work for you?



Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday March 12 2005 - 18:30:18 GMT

Hi Chris,
Hopefully, you'll get some Mac users. I did read this and I suggest you try putting // in front of the subimage, instead of just the "" or just eliminate that line completely. It doesn't have to be there. See if that fixes the image issue on that Mac. Also, what browser does that user have?


Poster: chrisinoz
Dated: Sunday March 13 2005 - 4:08:38 GMT

Hi Ruth

Thx for reply. not sure what Mac yet.

I have reworked the menu on a different page using a transparent.gif as the arrow so that should solve the mac problem - maybe :>



Poster: Angus
Dated: Sunday March 13 2005 - 7:39:48 GMT

Hi, looks ok in Safari 1.2.4 on Mac OS 10.3.7

The flyouts work ok, visually they are about two pixels off, but it's not too noticeable.

IE 5.2 looks about the same.

Poster: chrisinoz
Dated: Sunday March 13 2005 - 7:46:12 GMT

Hi Angus

Thx for the feedback.

I guess by the two pixels you mean offset?

Or did you mean that the menu (b4 the flyout) hangs two pixels over?

I have adjusted it by two pixels so the flyout is 2 pixels closer to the menu.



Poster: Angus
Dated: Sunday March 13 2005 - 7:53:40 GMT


The menu on both examples looks fine. I was talking about the third level flyout. There is a 2 px or so gap between it and the previous menu. Intentional?

I think it exists between the first and second level as well, but it occurs over the white line that separates the page, so it isn't noticeable.

I'd send you a screenshot, but there is something wrong with my screen cap program presently.

Poster: chrisinoz
Dated: Sunday March 13 2005 - 8:05:04 GMT

Thanks again Angus

I think the gap is adjusted now.

The most important was the line up of the first level menu and that it did flyout.

It's for an important graphic company who are using my services so I need to get it right.

Pity about the screenshot but from what you say it is behaving properly.



Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 13 2005 - 8:10:23 GMT

I wanted to compliment you on placing the menu in the table the way it's supposed to be :!: That's why it works in IE5.2. One thing I would suggest, since it is in a table and position is relative, I'd remove the top and left positioning, you never know what the odd browser will do with that extra code.


Poster: Angus
Dated: Sunday March 13 2005 - 8:15:50 GMT


Yeah, that looks better to my eye. There is 2px of off-white now, but no visual gap. The picture underneath is white, so it's hard to tell, but I think I'm just seeing the two white borders ajoining each other.

IE doesn't seem to have changed, but that's probably less important to you and may just be a refresh problem here.

Poster: chrisinoz
Dated: Sunday March 13 2005 - 8:23:04 GMT

Firstly Thanks Ruth

Following the Milonic Instructions for this type of menu.

Have commented out reference to


Sounds good Angus

I'll post here once I hear from client in the morning.

Off soon to see the film Aviator with my wife - heard it was good film.

