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Taken From The Forum: Beginners Guide - Polls & Suggestions
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:28

Suggestion - New feature

Dated: Friday October 21 2005 - 11:46:44 BST

So I almost feel greedy asking for anything more from such a brilliant tool as this. I was in the proccess of designing my own for the company intranet, until finding Milonic.....Thank God I did...

Anyway I am using the feature that enables you to move the menu around the screen. Wouldn't it be great if when dragged to the left or right hand edge of the screen the menu would change to vertical mode and when dragged to the top or bottom revert back to horizontal mode....

Food for thought

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday November 1 2005 - 0:14:40 GMT

It's not built in but there is a function you can use and provide an item for them to click and make such a change. Change Menu Properties Demo

The change option is included in the horizontal menu, and there is also a separate actions menu that will do it to provide different options for users. There are also other property change examples given.

Hope this helps.
