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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:07

Print Tool Tip in US Map menu

Poster: tkporcel
Dated: Tuesday April 25 2006 - 15:53:21 BST

Hi all,

I am using this menu on my site

What I need to do is have a way for the user to print the information that is in the tool tip that pops up for each state. Is there a way to add something to this script that allows them to do that?

with(milonic=new menuname("Virginia")){
aI("text=State: Virginia;");
aI("text=Capital: Richmond;");
aI("text=Population: 7,078,515;");
aI("text=Area: 105,716 sq km;");
aI("text=Flower: Flowering Dogwood;");
aI("text=Bird: Cardinal;");
aI("showmenu=Submenu;text=Sub Menus Are allowed;");


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday April 26 2006 - 4:08:52 BST


I'm not sure on that. I've posted to see if there is some way to put some kind of print function as the last item in the submenu that opens where the person can click to print that submenu but I don't know that you can limit to that. I know you can 'print' the page but I've never seen anything that lets you print a 'portion' of something.

I had a thought on how to do it by using a function that when you mouseover the state instead of opening a submenu it opens small new window with the info on it and at the button a link to click to print that page.

If that interests you I could try to set up an example to show you what I mean.
