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Menu Question for ANDY. Tooltips + Menu issue.

Poster: vikenk
Dated: Tuesday March 7 2006 - 23:39:41 GMT

Hi Andy,

I was wondering if anyone has brought to your attention an issue with the menu when used with the toolips module. You can see a live example in my site, but first, some explanation.

When the toolips are used and the menu is set to followscroll, the menu seems to reset its self and scroll back down the page when the tooltip comes up. This does NOT occur when the menu/page is at the top, but when it is scrolled anywhere down the page. This may not be a big problem for one tooltip, but when many tips are used, it just looks bad and is annoying.

For example, go to my site:

Scroll to the bottom of the page. The menu will follow. Go to "Resources" and the submenu will pop out. Each one of those items has a tooltip. When you hover over the items and the tooltips pop out, see how the menu jumps and scrolls from top to bottom again? Hover down each one of those items quickly and the menu will dance around.

However, scroll to the very top of the page, and repeat the test. Everything seems normal.

Is this a bug or is it programmed behavior (unintentional, of course)? Is it my implementation? Has anyone else written to you about this? Is there a known fix for this? If not, maybe it's something that can be fixed in a future Toolips or Menu update?

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Tuesday March 7 2006 - 23:42:33 GMT

Looks like a bug.

I can't do anything today but I'll take a look tomorrow and let you know.

I hope to be back on the case tomorow as I've had a few days of problems to deal with that should all be sorted now :roll:


Poster: vikenk
Dated: Wednesday March 8 2006 - 0:22:06 GMT

Thanks Andy,

I didn't know if you knew about it or not. See you tomorrow :>)

Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday March 8 2006 - 15:49:14 GMT


I don't think it is a bug afterall.

The problem is your setting of top="offset=55px";

For starters, you should remove the px as it's not needed and you should remove the offset because there is nothing to offset it against other than the page itself. So setting top to 55 with top=55; will do the same thing and fixes the problem.

Hope this helps,

Poster: vikenk
Dated: Wednesday March 8 2006 - 16:11:02 GMT


Thanks so much! I thought that when setting followscroll, you needed to set a top offset, as opposed to just "top".

However, this bring up another issue: Now that I've set top=55; and left=55; when the menu scrolls, it stays at the very top of the page as opposed to its original placement. When the menu scrolls, I want it to rest in its original loction, partially obscuring the "starburst" and not obscuring the top, where the page name graphic is.

Come to think of it, that's the reason I had set offsets in the first place - to bring the menu down the screen when it scrolls. Of course, I wasn't using tooltips then.

I hope I did a good enough job explaining that to you. Did it make sense? Basically, when I scrolls, I want the menu to rest in the same position as it was at the top of the page.

How can I make this happen without using "offset" for the top placement?

Thanks again.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday March 8 2006 - 16:12:48 GMT

Try this: followscroll=55;

instead of followscroll=1;

Poster: vikenk
Dated: Wednesday March 8 2006 - 16:17:30 GMT

Andy wrote:
Try this: followscroll=55;

instead of followscroll=1;

Wow...That was a quick reply :>)

Sorry Andy, that didn't work. I thought that followscroll=1 meant "followscroll is on" and followscroll=0 would have meant "followscroll is off"?

Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday March 8 2006 - 16:28:16 GMT

This works perfectly:

with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
aI("bgimage=/backgrounds/menu_bg_02.jpg;text=About Me;url=about_me.htm");

If followscroll is a positive value, it is switched on. The value specified for followscroll is the offset from the top of the page whilst the user is scrolling down the page. The top value is where the menu will sit when scroll top is zero i.e. at the top of the page. It all gets very confusing when you add screenpositions, that's why I removed it.

-- Andy

Hope this helps,

Poster: vikenk
Dated: Wednesday March 8 2006 - 16:52:06 GMT


That was it. Thanks again Andy. I can't believe I overlooked the "screenposition" setting. :oops:

Thanks again :>)