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How to get the menu to open from bottom to top?

Poster: Anonymous
Dated: Thursday October 12 2006 - 17:17:20 BST

I'm using a bottom frame and when I set the _subOffsetTop, it just brings the top of the submenu down to that pixel height. With my bottom frame, this creates a problem. I have to make the _subOffsetTop negitive enough for my largest submenu to be placed in the right position or it will create a scroll bar. But when I do this, all the smaller submenus "float" in the middle of the page where the top of the largest submenu is.

What I'd like to know is if there is a way I can get my menu_data_body.js submenus to open from bottom to top so I can place them all in the right position. I'd like it to work as I have it set up on my temp site, only in a bottom frame and not floating around. Here is the example of what I'm trying to do on the temp site(this site does not use frames as of now):

Is this possible?


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday October 12 2006 - 20:54:20 BST


I'm not sure on the frames menu if this will work, but if I understand correctly you have the menu in the bottom frame and want the submenus to open up above it. There is a menu property called openstyle which can be either rtl or up. So, in your main menu definition try setting openstyle="up"; and see if that does the trick, though I'm not sure on that. It may be that you have to put that into the submenus that are opening in the body section. Try both and see if one works.


Poster: Rodger
Dated: Tuesday October 17 2006 - 3:24:53 BST

Thanks for the reply Ruth.

My son was the original poster on this thread and for some reason he was locked out shortly after posting this. His login was changed to Spammer-SpeedWing and then a bit later it was changed back to SpeedWing.

I originally registered as marjamar and never posted, but was also locked out. I made this current login just now so that I could hopefully make a reply to say thanks for the info. Hope I don't get locked out again.

Back on subject - My son did as you suggested, but unfortunately the menu items still do not work properly. Pretty much the same as before.

What we are attempting to do is have a bottom frame on our pages that only holds the menu. Our does this now, but only with buttons not a menu. We purchased the Milonic menu seeing that it does work across frames, but failed to test it enough I guess. What we hope was that we could use somewhat similar buttons for the primary menu options and then have the sub-menus "pop up" into the bottom of the "body" frame above the primary menu buttons on mouseovers. Seems like this really should work as it does this fine on top frames into the body frame. But, as of yet we haven't figured it out.

Any other suggestions?

-Rodger Marjama

BTW - If I am slow to answer it may be that I have to get a new email address to register with again :?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday October 17 2006 - 3:40:57 BST

Hi Roger,

There have been some problems on the board. We apologize if you were inadvertantly locked out. I don't see anyplace where your original registered name is locked out. Just so you understand when you register and get the menu that registration is not the same as for the forum, you need to register separately for the forum.

Let me take some time to work on your page and see if I can get this to work. Thanks for the link. Do you by chance have your menu data file info so I can use that instead of trying to make one?

EDIT: never mind I got it from the other link.


Poster: Rodger
Dated: Tuesday October 17 2006 - 4:23:18 BST

Hi Ruth,

Email me at marjamar __at__ and I send you and link for an FTP we created for you on our server. In it, you can find all of what my son worked on and maybe you can see what he was trying to do.

Thanks for the help.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday October 17 2006 - 7:09:25 BST

Hi Rodger,

Well, I had already gotten all the files from the first link and your layout from the second one so I just worked with them.

I have done two setups, one is a frames version the other is an iframes version. They look exactly the same but in reality the iframes version is much easier to setup.

Links removed:

Finally, here is a link to the frames menu.

The reason you couldn't get it to work is you cannot just use the menu_data file as is. In your menu download you'll find a folder called extras and in that is a folder for frames. The example it has contains the explanation of how to do frames, it's the same as the link I provided. You need to have different data files, one for the frame with the main menu, one for the frame where the submenus open. Because you have the main at the bottom I had to add code to the submenu file telling each 'main' submenu to set screenposition="bottom";

You can use either one of the examples I put up. Both zip files include all the images etc. When I did them everything was in one folder so paths are all to the same place. Neither zip file contains the milonic program files you need to use yours.

In the iframes menu, I didn't do any of the links but if you want the links to open in the iframe [like you'd open a page in a frame] then you need to add to the aI string target=tempiframe; I named the iframe tempiframe, you can name it whatever you want, however I would not name it iframe as some people do. It needs to have both an id and name and they need to be the same id=tempiframe name=tempiframe

aI("text=To Be Added;url=;target=tempiframe;");

Hope this helps. Let me know when you have all the stuff so I can remove your page from the site.

One final thing, I believe I missed a menu image some image in a submenu.


Poster: Rodger
Dated: Wednesday October 18 2006 - 14:46:56 BST

You are a wonder Ruth! Thanks so much for all you've done. I'll get my son on this and we should be all set.

Thanks again.


Edit - We've got the menu working with frames now, but there is one other slight problem. When the submenu pops open as it should on mouseover, it doesn't close at all when you mouse over an ajoining button that doesn't have a submenu attached to it. So no sibling menu opens to close the first submenu. Is there anyway to make the submenu close on mouseout, even if it's not opening a sibling menu?

Here you can see what I'm talking about. Just mouseover the "Products" button then slide over to the "About Us" button without the mouse going outside of the button images.

Edit2 - Just seen another little oddity. When the sub-menu first opens it is a few pixles above the top of the main menubar. If you mouseover another main button and then go back to the original button the sub-menu opens exactly on the top edge of the main menubar (as it should). Any suggestions?

Thanks for any help.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday October 19 2006 - 0:08:44 BST


I'll make a report to Milonic on the not closing.

The issue is that a DHTML object cannot occupy two frames at once so there's a module that, in my non technical terms, reads the page, reads the menu decides which menu is to be opened and puts it into the other frame which is why you have to have the files coded on that other frame. Because of this there are sometimes issues in which for whatever the reason is the submenus won't close unless mouseover is applied. This happens intermittently and Milonic tries to fix it as soon as possible so I'm sure there will be a fix if at all possible.

That was one of the reasons I gave you the same setup using iframe instead of frames because that is not an issue since all of the menu occupies the same place and because the iframe is part of the page, even though it is a frame the submenus will open over it.

Flickering at the top issue: I will report that to Milonic also but I don't really know if there's a solution. I have to think it's doing that because I'm using screenposition="bottom"; to get the submenus to override the normal position that's coded into the frames setup to get them to open where they belong when using frames.


Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday October 20 2006 - 17:05:24 BST

I'm pretty sure this has been fixed now - can you take a look by downloading the Frames based menu and then let me know

-- Andy

Poster: Rodger
Dated: Wednesday October 25 2006 - 0:29:23 BST


It is better now, but it also will go invisible where you're coming into a new menu and move into the sub-menus. Not all the time, just some of the time. It seems that the submenus sort of "bounce" as they come to rest on the primary menu and if you go into them before this bouncing is finished the sub-menu just sort of disapears.

Another anoyance is when the first page loads upon entering the site in firefox, the menu is shifted to the right about 1/4 of the screen width most of the time. If I hit F5 (refresh) it come back to center as it should. And maybe related to this, if another browser window opens (even on a second monitor) the menu and becomes the active window, going back to the menu will not return focus to the menubar and no sub-menus will activate. This is true even if the second window is close and you physically click somewere on the primary window. Focus will not return to the menubar properly. It does return to the menubar where there are no sub-menus however. Seems that the sub-menus in the body frame cannot regain focus so the related primary menu items cannot function.

Sort of confusing. I hope there is a fix for this as our shopping carts final level is to open a large photo page for the item if requested by the customer by clicking on the existing photo. This opens the pop-up window sized to this photo. I suspect the problem is due to the javascript that resizes the pop-up window taking control and then there is not re-entry point for the menu's javascript to continue. If this sounds about right, what can we do to get the menu to come back after another javascript takes control? Any ideas?

Thanks for all the help folks.

I think both of these things must be a result of the menu loosing focus at critical timings or at least not able to return focus without a page refresh first.


Website activated...

Poster: Rodger
Dated: Friday October 27 2006 - 17:41:19 BST

We activated the new website yesterday. It should be fully propagated by tomorrow all over the globe. Still have issues with the menubar loosing focus. I wish there were a simple inclusion to the command set that would re-initalize the bottom (primary menu) when the body page (sub-menu) changed. This would most likely solve most of the problems that are necessary to fix. Timing is still off for mouseovers as scrolling up the menu will often cause the sub-menu to loose focus and disappear altogether.

For any interested, you can look at all of this on our website



Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday October 29 2006 - 0:27:07 BST


I believe they are working on it, but I have no idea if there is a solution since I believe the problem is really that the submenus are being forced into a position, i.e. screenposition=bottom; since any offset would put them up at the top of the frame. I wonder if setting your openDelay to something really fast would 'hide' that attempt by the menu to go to it's normal offset for the frames? Just throwing out thoughts here since I have no clue about programming :)
