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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:31

Showing up menu when Page load

Poster: Jatin
Dated: Wednesday August 1 2007 - 19:13:53 BST


We have a menu that comes up on mouse over on a image. That works great.

Now I want that menu also to show up also, when I come on some specific pages. I am looking for something like showMenu command or Popup message on page load.

All I want to do is to show or not show menu on basis of my businesss logic (true or false)

Also, It nneds to stay up for a specific period of time and then close itself

Can you please help.

I saw other post about PoPup menu but those are more of when you click a buton which is not my case. I need to show menu when I come on a page.


Poster: Jatin
Dated: Thursday August 2 2007 - 2:17:17 BST

I Also tried using Popup/ Pop down/ ItemOn /Item Off showMenu etc, but none of them seems to works

Can you please help me.
