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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:32

onmouseover /onclick problem

Poster: ClickClick
Dated: Monday July 9 2007 - 17:18:59 BST

Here is an example 'a' tag within my 'ul' and 'li':

<a id="new_page" class="lbOn" href="/?AJAX=NEWPAGE" onmouseover="document.onclick = function(){};" onclick="return false;">New webpage</a>

The problem is it just loads the page and seems to ignore the onmouseover="document.onclick = function(){};" onclick="return false;" - Any Ideas?


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday July 10 2007 - 6:39:34 BST


Is this a Milonic menu issue? If it is can you please provide the page so we can see what's going on? If it isn't you'll need to try an html, javascript type forum on the web. This forum is specific to Milonic Dhtml Menu issues.


Poster: ClickClick
Dated: Tuesday July 10 2007 - 8:43:27 BST


Thanks for your reply. I am using a Milonic menu, the one that is dynamically built from an unordered list. I am actually using XSLT to generate the unordered list from XML, this part works, but any javascript I add to the 'a' tag onclick or onmouseover etc seems not to work :?
It appears in my html correctly formatted and if I take the code from that 'a' tag when I view source and take it out the menu it works fine.
