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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:38

Using Menu with ASPX Master Pages

Poster: GSF
Dated: Monday March 26 2007 - 21:27:30 BST


I am trying to evaluate the use of aspx master pages with MS Expression Web and the milonic menu. I have defined the menu on the Master Page and have created a number of pages using the master page.

Here is the problem, links work fine if the master menu has a drop down list (sub menu). If the master menu does not have a drop down (sub-menu) ie the link is on the text/image on the master menu the link does not work. In this situation the overimage displays currectly on mouse over but the cursor does not change to indicate a link.

Sorry but I am developing locally using Web Expressions local asp server - so I can't provide a link.

Help would be much appreciated!

Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday April 2 2007 - 14:42:55 BST


If you can provide the menu data code that is created we may be able to see the problem.

Note that we are working blind by not being able to see the menu in action so we may only be guessing.