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Milonic DHTML Menu, SWFObject and Safari

Poster: MUTU
Dated: Friday January 11 2008 - 11:37:49 GMT


On we are using the SWFObject for displaying SWF files. I tested on Safari 3 beta on Windows and the menu goes underneath the flash, rather than over. I've seen this happen occasionally on IE as well if I start using the menu before the page would have finished loading completely.

Kindly advise.

Re: Milonic DHTML Menu, SWFObject and Safari 3

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday January 11 2008 - 15:30:02 GMT

I'll report it to Milonic, but be advised that Safari 3 for pc is a beta release, as you noted. Companies can't usually try to 'fix' their products to work with beta releases of browser since those betas change almost nightly. I will notify Milonic since this might be an easily fixed issue, or something that they should notify Safari about as an issue.


Re: Milonic DHTML Menu, SWFObject and Safari 3

Poster: MUTU
Dated: Wednesday January 16 2008 - 8:53:30 GMT

I just checked this out with Safari 2 on Mac and the problem is reproducible there, though sometimes the menu may flicker on top of the flash, but it's generally hidden and definitely not working properly.

Re: Milonic DHTML Menu, SWFObject and Safari

Poster: MUTU
Dated: Tuesday January 22 2008 - 8:46:55 GMT

Any news on this please?

Re: Milonic DHTML Menu, SWFObject and Safari

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday January 22 2008 - 12:35:32 GMT


I have tried to test in Safari with your page. I can't get the flash to show in Safari on the desktop though it is there since I get the About Macromedia Flash Player when I click on where the flash is.

Now, I did find a fix, 3 actually, but the old one I think you're not supposed to use now because of the IE issue which requires a flash activating code.

1. The old method. Note that there is a param name=wmode value="transparent in the object code, then in the embed code that is set to wmode="opaque" it is that part that is necessary for Safari, I believe, the opaque in the embed tag.

<DIV id=indexflash>
            <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="435" height="330" align="middle">
   <param name=movie value="flash_index_Q4promo_en.swf">
   <param name=quality value=high>
   <param name=vmode value=transparent>
   <embed src="flash_index_Q4promo_en.swf" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="435" height="330" align="middle" wmode="opaque">

2. Using Milonic's 'quick and dirty fix' due to IE issue. Do the same as above, but also create a file with the following in it and save as flashactivator.js. Then call it the last thing before the closing body tag.

for(var x=0;x<_miO.length;x++)_miO[x].outerHTML=_miO[x].outerHTML;

3. Using Microsofts Fix for the activation issue: download and call it in the head of your document. Then code the flash div as follows

<DIV id=indexflash>
myFlashObject=new Object"flash_index_Q4promo_en.swf"
commitFlashObject(myFlashObject, "indexflash")

All of those fix the problem. Try this page with the 'old' coding, and note that the menu goes behind. This is because the page does not code the wmode="opaque" in the embed tag. Once that is added the menu will work on that page.

Then go to this page which uses the Microsoft setup and you will see the menu drops over the flash

If none of those will suit, you can contact Milonic for support since you have a professional license that seems to be still in support period. But, I think their response will be the same, though they have a heck of a lot more technical knowledge than I do :)


Re: Milonic DHTML Menu, SWFObject and Safari

Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday January 23 2008 - 12:11:42 GMT


I can confirm that using the Mixrosoft Flash Activation method found at will indeed fix the problem.

I've yet to see another Flash Activation script that will allow objects over Flash in Safari

-- Andy

Re: Milonic DHTML Menu, SWFObject and Safari

Poster: MUTU
Dated: Wednesday January 23 2008 - 13:19:16 GMT

Thanks Ruth and Andy, with your help I managed to find a way to get SWFObject to seemingly work by adding
so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");

However, I found out that I only have Safari 3 on Mac, so I couldn't test on Safari 2. Before I implement this site-wide, would it be possible to confirm that the menu is going over the flash on Safari 2 on please?

Re: Milonic DHTML Menu, SWFObject and Safari

Poster: johns
Dated: Friday February 22 2008 - 8:39:57 GMT

I noticed that the same problem (menu under flash) is happening with Firefox 3 beta 3. Again the Microsoft fix method using insert_active_flash.js solves the problem.